What cables should match the Sun audio SV2A3

Hello experts,

I'll use this single ended 2A3 amp to drive my TAD, and the pre-amp will be either the Audio research SP9 MKII or Convergent (the CAT), signature SL1. Which interconnect cable and speaker cable do you recommend?
Oritek does have a website, although it might be easier to access(no spell-check available) it through "10 audio". I'm a little disappointed(not) that I paid $390 for .6 meters(about 25 inches from tip to tip). Ori emailed me to say that .4 meters or less cost $329. He says, and I believe, that they tend to dominate a system(in a good way). I also want to mention that I actually retired his X-1's(mostly due to interconnect interactions, I believe), and I wasn't in the market for interconnects. He told me, if you want your PRAT, here it is. All I can say is "Wow".