Looking for a new powerful amp.

I just purchased a Audio Research Ref 3. Now I'm looking to purchase a new amp. My current speakers are Tannoy system 1200's. the new amp must be able to play very loud at times. the type of music ranges from R&B to Hip Hop to Pop.
I may eventually be changing the speakers to Vandersteens 5a's.
I was thinking maybe a Krell amp???

please give me any feedback you might have on the speakers and amps.
I also have an ARC REF3 which I use with a powerful SS amp. In my case I use a Boulder 2060. It is a combo that I like very much.

David Shapiro
I have Henry Ho's H2O Signature Monos mated with his new "Fire" preamp. They are powering the world's toughest speaker load like it is a play thing, other monster amps wimped out on. Their sound is what I like to characterize as, "Finest tubes on steroids."
Then get this one http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?ampstran&1136581409. More power and "slam" than you can shake a stick at. Yeah, the Crown name scares away some audiophile types, but this is not your typical Crown amp.

Check this out for some technical detail http://www.crownaudio.com/pdf/legacy/136734.pdf.
I 2nd the McCormack suggestion. I have a DNA-500: Detailed, musical, remarkably controlled bass, loads of finesse, tons of power(500w into 8, 900w into 4) - it doesn't get much better than this under $15K. Also built like a tank. Can probably be had used under $5K if you look. Lots of rave reviews are actually on the money (for a change) regarding the DNA-500.

Steve McCormack's "statement" piece.
Audio Refinement Multi 2 , if you're going to buy new speakers, get the new speakers first. otherwise you will likely be wasting your money and throwing away you best oppurtunity to affect the sound of your new speaker system.

On your current speakers the Multi will hold its own quite nicely for now.

Krell's sound terrible with ARC front ends BTW, a terrible match of two bright thin components.