Power Amp to Match CJ Premier 17LS

I wish buy a 2nd hand Conrad Johnson Premier 17LS, not 17LS2 or 16LS as they are beyond my budget. The problem is the choice of the power amplifer as I don't want to match it with a CJ power amplifier, tube or solid state. Any recommendation from current or past user of LS17? My speaker is Spendor S6e and I mostly listen to vocal, light jazz and chamber music. Thanks.

Thanks everybody for their valuable view and advice. It is an interesting question whether it is ideal to match a CJ pre amp with a CJ power amp, which apparently depends on personal taste, the system and the listening room. I will listen a CJ combo demo (LS17S2 with MV60SE, and LS17S2 with MV2500A, since LS17 is discontinued) at the local CJ dealer to see how it goes.

When I had a PV-5 preamp and a PS Audio 200c power amp, I had Magnepan MG-IIB's. This was an excellent combination. Later, I bought Martin-Logan CLSII's, and though the combination sounded fine, the amp would tend to run a little hot, no doubt due to its being called upon to produce a large amount of current to drive the M-L electrostats.

My current combo--the ARC Ref 1 preamp and c-j premier 12 monoblocks--not only sounds better (for the money, it should), but the c-j amps seem to have an easier time than the PS Audio in driving the Martin-Logans. As a matter of fact, they even run cooler! Go figure.

My front end back in the PV-5/PS Audio days was a Proceed PCD CD player and a Denon DP-60L turntable w/Denon 103D cart. My front end now is a Sony SCD-1 (SACD player and CD transport) and Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista 21 DAC; and a VPI Aries 2/JMW-10/Denon 103.