Naim Theory on Cableing

I was just curious on what most of you think on Naims' theory on the importants of having cables "specially" engineered with the other components. Is this true or just a marketing attempt for people to buy there cable?
I rolled out my Outlaw IC's today and put in a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven DIN to RCA IC's. I've always been in the school that said cables made little if any difference, but after being into this hobby for over 30 years I learned different this morning.

There was a major diffence in the sound. With the Nordost I have a much more pronouned and detailed midrange. Maybe even to the point of being a bit annoying. When I listen to music I'm accustomed to and at the same levels I'm accustomed to, the Nordost causes my ears to ring. The Outlaw does not.

Much more siblance on the vocals, schreech of the finger sliding along the guitar strings are much more pronounced, better seperation between instruments with more air. The bass in not as extended and the mid-bass is quite reserved compared to the Outlaws, but the bass is also more detailed. A leaner and more etched sound. More detail for sure.

Which is better, I'm not sure right now. When I rolled the Outlaw back in I found myself missing some of the things the Nordost did. I also have a Chord Cobra cable that I bought at the same time as the Nordost cable and I rolled it in as well. It sounds very much like the Outlaw and I'm going to have to do some serious comparisonsto see if I can tell any differnce at all. They are very close, but both sound completely different from the Nordost.

I'll report back when as I continue my experiment. BTW, I'm only rolling the cable between my source CDP (Naim CD5i) and pre-amp. Pre to power is still the Outlaw and I have Monster M1s' for my speakers.
Not too familiar with Naim products...although they have an excellent only concern is their use of special connectors(din?) that limited the use of other cables(was shopping for an intergrated) ...granted one could use adaptors...which seems counterproductive and a disservice to any rate...Naim must have seen the light...they now include RCA connections on most of their products I believe...I believe Linn has also followed be fair...the Naim cables are fairly priced and have been favorably reviewed...
Phasecorrect - They also provide RCA outputs on my CD5i.

As an update to my previous post, I have settled with the Blue Heavens as my IC of choice. Still have to deal with cable between pre and power, but thinking about putting another Blue Heaven there as well. For those of you using the Blue Heavens, do you have them installed throughout your system or are you running in combination with other cables? What speaker cables you using?

A question about the Naim speaker cable. Seandtaylor99 indicated that not only Naim amps need this type of cable. Do you know what some of the other brands are? Also, would it be worth trying a cable with high inductance with non Naim amps, specifically my Outlaw Model-755 (rebadged ATI). Really have no idea what effect inductance has on the amp/speakers.