Mono blocks-High current/low impedance...options?

Purchased Green Mountain Continuum 3's. Have been tube SET/single driver guy for the last few years...Need starting point for research required to match amplification to new speakers. Thanks in advance for your help! Ralph
Ag insider logo xs@2xralphdude
Art, I'll take all you have said as criticism of your own ICE amps. After all, it wouldn't be kosher for a builder to impinge a competitor's products with a broad brush, would it?

The reason why your criticism falls flat is because my speakers, like I wrote, are not 8 ohm. They are a brutal .8 ohm. That is POINT eight ohm.

If you think 2 ohm speaker's highs suffer ICE damage, just think how terrible <1 ohm sounds. Well, they don't. My highs are sublime, just as are all frequencies down to 20hZ.
The "point" did not show up on my screen. I was sure you had a fairly low load.

And yes, it is indicative of ALL of them.

Mine, Henry's, Rowland's, PS name it. You can't change the laws of physics.

Face it: you can't measure it and I can. If you like it, then fine. I really don't care. I'm just telling you what the truth is. You choice to believe it or go about impervious.

You realise there is the distinct possibility that whatever you had before had even a harder time driving that load, and had just as many, if not more, problems. But since you have absolutely no way of verifying anything, we will all have to just guess.
You certainly can not measure my amp's frequency response. You have no idea what the sound of my amps are. None. Just the fact you lumped Rowland, PS Audio, Henry's and your amps together shows you haven't a clue.

There hasn't been a listener to Henry's amps that complained of the highs on any load. There are six of us Scintilla owners using the H2O. We are all thrilled with the results. My system's experience mirrors Sajran's as he reported in his review; the same as Audiofankj's in this forum, and others found in other forums.

You know, Art, I have had enough of your crashing Henry's party. I will levy a complaint against you at this forum, if you persist. There is not another company head that behaves as you do. You appear just freaking jealous. Get over it.
Try a pair of Bryston 7BSST monoblocks. Reasonably priced for the performance and sound quality.