I know Audiogon is the best for buying and selling

The Audiogon website has been great for gathering info. finding great deals and passing along great deals to other music and movies lovers.

Over the past year+ I have bought and sold equipment using 3 primary websites. So have many others that I have seen. I have noticed the following. I get at least 2X to 3X more views on another website called A****web, but every sale I have made has come from Audiogon contacts. Not one has come from the other site A****review.

Does anyone else have similar experiences?

I prefer Audiogon to any other site due to it's ability to track responses and its search capabilities. Don't even get me started with Ebay.

I'd like to thank the staff that support Audiogon.


I read both daily. Have bought and sold there also.I've bought items I couldn't find elsewhere; I've sold an item nobody here was interested in--at all!! So, there, luck is where you find it.
The "other 'A' site" is still useful, though not nearly to the extent it was back in its halcyon days. I've found that there's a great deal of information on the other "A" site, but the people delivering it are not always as qualified and professional as AudiogoNers. In my mind, there is clearly a real sense of community on Audiogon, to the point where I feel like I know some of you. Then again, the walls of my apartment are padded and I have to wear a helmet at all times, so you can't take my word for it. Audiogon rules.
Funny enough, but I find people starting to become much more biased with respect to geography. The last two items I sold (this week) were listed here first. My listings here drew some inane questions and a couple of ridiculous offers. The other two websites I posted the ads to (where other 'philes likely live within easy driving distance) I sold the items at my asking price. I'm wondering if the shipping via UPS, USPS, or Fed Ex is driving people "local". Costly shipping charges make your good deal kinda average at best, not to mention busted stuff thanks to the gorillas that handle yer stuff while it's in transit. Hope my theory is off the mark, cuz I love buying and selling on the 'Gon. Jeff