Tube's needed, 6922's or equal for Preamp Qty.3

Okay first question,
#1- A good source for the tubes? I do know of upscale, but would like some other options, especially if they are cheaper and fairly good.

#2- problem is the preamp uses 3 tubes so getting a matched 'Tri' might be a bit tuff compared to Quads and pairs.

#3- The sound must be sweet and have good tube character, in otherwords I don't mind lush or warmth to some extent, but they must still be capable of dynamics especially solid bass.

#4- I have heard of some type of 'Ram' Tube's? Not sure but it looks like this is just a company from Cali that takes and matches your basic russian and whoever else's tubes as sets and sells with their name stamped on them... Are they good or someone to look for? I would most likely look into still manufactured tubes, like JJ tesla kinda stuff but would like to know the options if anybody else is good, and I am not willing to pay 100.00 per tube or something for old mullard, amprex, tungsol, but would pay for these NOS if they can be had at good prices and sonically sound close to what I have explained.

They will be in a type of Hybrid preamp, not sure it matters, but will be running Digital and Analog front end sources thru it, with A solid state phono stage built in. Thanks
Andy is the best, but I have also had good luck with Brendan Biever at Tube Depot is another place you may want to try.

Here is a link to a person on e-bay selling EH 6922 gold pins. I have purchased tubes from him in the past and he is very trust-worthy. He sometimes lists these here on the gon.

Can anyone else comment on the cryo'ed NOS Russuan 6922, in terms of using them in a BAT VK-3i preamp?