Any reliability horror stories out there?

Wondering if anyone has had reliability problems with any of their amplification components? Might be useful for me (and others) when it comes to future purchases.

I've recently purchased a Jadis Orchestra Reference, which sounds great, but after a month one of the transformers has developed a noticeable hum. Not a catastrophe, but still...more catastrophic stories would be interesting to hear about.

Cheers, Rob.
I had never ending problems with a Micromega CD player in the day. I should have seen that one coming. While the French may rightfully claim superiority in a number of disciplines and arts, engineering doesn't typically make the list.
The worst I know of: A friend had 5...count them...5 Audio Research Reference 600 amps blow up. You know... flames and sparks, oh my! They nearly killed him twice. True story.
"While the French may rightfully claim superiority in a number of disciplines and arts, engineering doesn't typically make the list."

I don't know about this. French engineering is going to play a significant role in the future of the US nuclear power industry, and also in the aviation business. I've never particularly enjoyed working with French engineers, they can be rather abrasive towards UK and US engineers, but I've never had reason to doubt their competence.
I had a Rotel RB991 amp that kept blowing fuses. Finally the whole left channel went. Then I had a Rotel CD player RCD971 that started skipping just after the warranty expired.