Proceed AMP5 in protective mode

My Proceed AMP5 has a flashing standby light. According to the manual, this means the amp has gone into protective mode. I shut it on and off but no joy. Checked speaker wires and no shorts. The amp is plugged into a Monster power bar. No apparent power surges or lighting etc.

Doesn't seem to be a reset button outside like most amps have? The manual suggests calling tech support. (What support from HK!?!?!)

Has anyone had a similar problem. Does anyone know if there is a reset switch inside? Does HK still repair Proceed gear?

THanks for any info or suggestions.
Did you try powering it up with no cables connected to it? This would rule out the amp. Did you check the speaker cables at the speaker ends too, or just the amp end?
I have a hpa-3 amp and it did the same thing. This is the second problem I have had. It is an internal problem on the circuit boards. If you open the unit up you will probably see a risistor on one of the boards that looks burnt. Madrigal will repair the unit by changing all the boards and is probably a slight upgrade to the amp. Cost is about $800 for a three channel amp. I sent my amp to David Schulte owner of the Upgrade Company and I am waiting for the unit to come back. I received the parts list from Madrigal (Harmon Group) and sent them to David Schulte with my unit. David upgraded my Marantz cd player and also sent me an upgraded 10 pound $100 JVC cd player that out performs a lot of high dollar stock cd players. It is incredible what he can do to these units. Send me an email and we can go into this further. Also, find mrhiendaudio under the advanced search and you will see a Sony scd-1 for sale. The upgraded JVC outperforms it by a mile. The upgraded JVC plays as well as a Reimyo cdp 777.
Roofus , Jp1208

I too have an Amp 5 with identical problems .

I did the same thing (removed all cabling), it will power up without going into protection mode but as soon as I reinstall the cabling , it will not go into a standby mode .

Fearing it was speaker or cabling shorts I threw in a Rotel 5 channel amp , no problem . Tried other power cords , removed line conditioner go .

This took place after doing it a couple of times , once during a movie and once left idling in standby . I was able to restart it those 2 previous times by pulling the power cord and waiting a few minutes ( like a reboot)

I took it to the Levinson shop yesterday and the tech was able to start it with no load . We did not get into it any further as he's quite busy but promised he would call Harman to see if this was a common problem . The serial number is 1011.

Short of paying 800 repairs for an amp worth about 1800 on todays market , I would love to hear of a remedy that does not require transporting this 110 lb beast and in turn if I hear of a solution , I would be more than happy to share it.

It'd be really interesting to hear from others , especially if this is an ongoing problem .

Hopefully there is a cure without major freight and repair costs . It's too bad as the Proceed gear sounds wonderful .