Need advice ono a Tube preamp

I have never tried tubes.I am currently running B+W matrix 801s seriesIII.I have several bryston amps a few 3b ssts,4b sst and 3 bst.I also just purchased a sony scd-1 and a moon eclipse.
I wanted to try a tube preamp in this system.I have never tried one and I know little or nothing about them.OK,I know nothing about them is more like
I don't want to sacrifice bass response,channel seperation etc but want to warm up the highs abit.Is this possible with a tube preamp or Should I try something else?

I agree with Ipy, but I'm an owner of a Herron VTSP-1A rather than a VTSP-2 but I beleive the same words apply. My Herron is the most neutral, quiet, and resolute preamp I've ever owned and I've owned some great preamps. In addition the build quality is top notch without being flashy. I recently looked inside my preamp and nearly drooled on it, that's how great it looks inside. Best of all used prices on the VTSP-1A border on ridiculous. Not really any used VTSP-2's yet though, but I'm sure it's worth every penny of the new price. Happy listening!
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thanks for the advice,much appreciated.Are tthere any tube preamps I should avoid?You can just email me with this response as I don't want to affect someone's livelyhood.Thanks again.
You didn't mention price. I think you could do well with an Audio Research LS5MKIII or LS25 used.

Bob Wood
You have a speaker and several amplifiers that share a fairly "cold" characteristic, especially in the treble range. Frankly, you'd be more likely to attain the sound you seek by changing either power amps or speakers, depending on which you are more committed to. However, if it is the preamp route you want to take, keep in mind that there is the variable of the preamp itself, and then also the variable of what tubes you put in it, if in fact you go with tube topology.

At various prices, some options: Quad QC-24; The Sunfire Classic Vacuum Tube Preamp -- fnd some NOS Telefunken tubes for it; Audio Research SP16 or SP16L depending on whether you need a phono stage; McIntosh C2200 will definitely solve your problem; Melody SHW1688 -- like butter, and perhaps the best preamp I've heard to date. In solid state, it would be worth considering a McIntosh C46. It's revealing but not bright, and the 8-band eq does allow a touch of judicious trimming.
