16 ohms speakers- 8 ohms output amp

I just bought Fertin EX20. These are 8 inch field coild drivers that I'll be using in an open-baffle. I'm also looking to buy an amp, but most tube amps are 8 or 4 ohms output. Since they are 16 ohms, could I be using amps with 8 ohms. Will I be losing something? thanks.
Check out the new Bottlehead Paramount kits (4/8/16 ohm taps) available in both 2A3/300B format.

Less expensive would be the Paramour (2A3) kits with the "iron upgrade". The upgrade iron may be be available (again) in a month, or two.

Imagine many manufacturers/models offer 8-16 ohm versatility.

As far as running 16 ohm drivers off 8 ohm taps I've found the sound to be cleaner (lighter/tighter LF's which highlight the HF's) when compared to the 16 ohm taps on one of my tube amps.

Can't say either way is right as my choice depends upon the specific driver/cabinet being used.

I've gone through more than a dozen different vintage single and coaxial drivers in the past three years.

Cabinet/baffle material & construction will probably alter the sound @ least as much as impedance matching (between 8 & 16 ohms).

Want fuller/looser bass then use less rigid baffle material (just an example).

Fertin specs the EX20 as an 8 ohm driver, so I assume yours are of special order/production.

Not familiar with field coil drivers, so don't know if you measure the static impedance in the same manner as that of later magnet design cone drivers.

I start by measuring drivers (with a multi-meter) to gauge what I'm starting with.

I've owned 16 ohm "marked" Tru-sonic 80FR's, which measured in the 3-13 ohm range.

Only a few pairs of the vintage drivers I've tried measured within 20% of spec.

My current matched pair of 80FR's come in @ just above 7 ohms and the previous pair @ approx. 13 ohms.
I imagine you would have tighter bass than if you had 8 OHM speakers. there is a limit on how high the impedance can be before it is not musical with the result being a dry sound that is too lean. These are observations after using a Speltz autoformer.
I checked the specs and they are 8 ohms. I was reading Dr Gizmo review of the PHY-30 and thought that the Fertin were the same. What can I say... I guess this really solve my problem. Now, those who have Fertin 20ex, what amp are you using and do you need a sub with these. Be kind, I'm just starting in this world of hi-fi and this isn' just a plug and play thing. Thanks.