Down graded, with fantastic results

I sold some gear recently to raise some cash. I sold a pair of Cary/AES Six Pacs mono amps, a Cary/AES DJH preamp and a pair of B&W 703 speakers. I purchased a pair of Tyler Acoustic Ref. monitors and a Jolida 302b integrated amp to go along with my Jolida CD player, all wired with Signal cable speakers. My wife does not usually comment on the "sound" of our system, but last night when the Jolida amp finally arrived, she loved the sound of it. I must admit, it does sound fantastic! And at a fraction of the cost of my former gear! $2,050 is the cost of the new stuff. $6,200 was the cost of the AES and B&W gear.
Congrats! Just goes to show ya that you don't have to spend a set amount of money to acheive the sound you want.
It's too bad you didn't replace the speakers first, and then the amplification components. I would like to have gotten some insight as to which component change caused a greater improvement. Oh well... Enjoy!
Sounds like you did very well!I have a Jolida 102B that is a very good sounding little int. The great thing about the Jolida is that you can have it modded to a pretty high level as the design is a very good one,this was told to me from a tech that works for VAC,the easiest thing you can do to improve the sound is to roll the tubes,that alone will give you a nice improvement!Ive never heard the Tylers,but they have a great reputation,ill bet your system does sound very good!Ray