David, I own Lamm amps and Kharma Exquisite 1D-E.ds. Although the Lamm preamp is a good choice, completely by accident, I tried a Conrad Johnson ART-II and loved it. I do have very good CCa NOS tubes in it though.
Also, Bill Parish at GTT Audio who carries both Lamm and Kharma is literally gushing about the new MBL 6010-D preamp which he says is the BEST he has ever heard - period. He has it hooked to the Lamms and the Kharma Exquisites - which is the system he made this judgment with.
As always, this is only opinion based on personal tastes and preferences so YMMV.
Also, Bill Parish at GTT Audio who carries both Lamm and Kharma is literally gushing about the new MBL 6010-D preamp which he says is the BEST he has ever heard - period. He has it hooked to the Lamms and the Kharma Exquisites - which is the system he made this judgment with.
As always, this is only opinion based on personal tastes and preferences so YMMV.