Recommend a Used Solid State Preamp for About $5k

Please submit your recommendations for a used solid state preamp for approx $4-6K.

In your recommendations, please state the merits of the unit you suggest.

I am about to purchase a pair of Pass Labs X-600 monos and I'd like to try a solid state preamp with them.

I'm currently using an Audio Research Ref2 mk2. I'd like to do a side by side comparison with a solid state preamp in that price range to see which one I would prefer.

......the rest of my system:

Infinity Kappa 9 speakers
Audio Research Ref2 mk2 preamp
Audio Research CD2
Audio Research PH3-SE
Grado Platinum cartridge
Sansui TU-X1 tuner
Signal Cables throughout


128x128mitch4t you can see, I'm stedily creeping up the high end yes I am going to get a pair of Pass X-600's to see how much they eclipse the four bi-amped Carver monoblocks in power, control and sonic purity.

If they don't eclipse the Carvers by a mile, I'll sell the Pass monos for what I paid for them. I can always use the Carvers for my home theater setup.

The best solid state preamp I've had was the Audio Research LS-10. When it was was awesome. But on some recordings, it was missing a lot of information on music that I was very familiar with and that was very unsatisfying and it just annoyed the hell out of me to listen to a piece of music and it all wasn't there. Half of my recordings sounded awful on it.

I have $5k in my budget to try a used solid state pre to compare to the Ref 2. I'm not selling my Ref2 just yet. I want to compare it to a solid state unit in its price range to see if I like it.

The Ref2 has been excellent across the board, but I have never heard it compared to a solid state unit in its price range.....I just might like it better. Nor have I heard the Ref2 with amps higher up the food the Pass monos. Audiogon gives me the luxury to audition stuff and not get hurt too bad when I need to sell it if I decide not to keep it.

No offense taken about the Signal Cables, I know they can be improved upon. With a limited budget, my first priority has been with the preamp, now amps, then cables.

I'm never offended by the stuff I have....I go as far as my budget takes with me and I have to be content. But, I do keep meticulous notes of suggestions like yours, when I get the dough and it's time to upgrade, I can refer to suggestions like yours when making my decision. So, thank you sir. I appreciate your comments and suggestions.
Well Mitch, with the Pass(s) and the Kappas and the ARC preamp, I'd say you'll have a very synergistic system. What I meant with my comments about the SS preamp, was that your ARC preamp is already a pretty elevated piece of equipment, so if you want to make a fair comparison, you'll have to spend some money on a SS preamp. More than $4-6K IMO. But frankly, I think you're going to love the tube/SS combo.
You might want to check out Edge Electronics they have a few good preamps. Another option is the McCormack line
Nobody's mentioned Klyne. They are excellent SS preamps, and a used System 7 should be well under your budget, if you can find one.