Tube Amp Recommendation

I am saying goodbye to my Linn active system (at least temporarily) to give tubes a try. I have purchased a set for North Creek Catamount speakers, said to be designed for tube amplification. But, of course, I need a good tube amplifier. Looking to purchase something used in the under $3000 range. While I'm looking for the tube experience, I don't want anything too colored and it must still have good, crisp low-end performance. My present consdierations are a Audio Research VT 100 mkII or BAT vk60. Any thoughts and recommendations would be appreciated. Amplifier will probably be fed directly a Wadia player. My thanks in advance.
If you are considering ARC VT-100, you should consider SF Power 2. Most agreed SF Power 2 is more neutral and resolving, better bass, and better build.

BAT makes great amp. If possible, stretch your budget and try a SE model. Difference is not subtle vs. the non-SE model.
Aronov LS 960 60W stereo or LS 9100 100W monos could be worth a look for well under $3000 used-around $1300 and $2000 respectively. I dont know them well but am considering them myself.
I second the TAD-60 recommendation. Great unit at a great price. Even better with the TAD-150 Signature preamp. Buy both new for well under your budget.
The comments by Dfhaleycko make a lot of sense. Rather than focus on the power, focus on getting an amp whose sound mates well with your system. A pair of Atmasphere MA60s or the BAT VK60 would be worthy of serious consideration. If at a later time you wanted more dynamic headroom, getting another BAT and converting these to mono amps would make this affordable.

If you are seeking a big 3-dimensional, more lush midrange bloom, great decays, textures, the ARC VT130 literally destroys the VT100 in these areas. I owned this amp several years ago and regret selling this. If you could stretch your budget to $4k, the VT150 mono amps (suped up mono amp version of the VT130) for sale on A'gon is an absolute awesome value. The VT100 was fine but it simply lacked the musical involvement that I enjoyed so much with the VT130. Just stay away from the ARC Classic series amps. They are tonally forward and fatiguing that could give you a very bad first impression of tube amps.

If I were you, I would start another thread to find other audiophiles in your area. Maybe you could hear some tube amps that they might have in their system and then work to borrow some amps to hear in your system. I suspect that many of the older amps listed in this thread will be hard to locate at dealers but you just might be lucky with some local A'gon members.

Thanks for the many informed responses.

Doug, I purchased the Catamounts with the Scanspeak Revelator tweeters and mid-woofers, which I hope will result in a refined and revealing two-way that supposedly reaches into the mid-40hz range without a problem. Have you ever heard these and, if so, your thoughts?
