Amps for Vandersteen 3A Signature SS or Tube?

Any Vandy owners care to comment about the combination with one of the following or make any other recommendations?

1. Levinson (33x or 43x)
2. Rowland (new or old monos)
3. Nuforce (Reference 9)
5. Ayre (V5x)
6. Belles (350A Reference)

1. Conrad Johnson (Premier 12 monos)
2. Antique Sound Labs (DT 1009)
3. Jadis (Defy 7)
Although I haven't heard the other amps, I think the Vandersteens sound great on the Ayre V-5X. They sound much much better on the Ayre V-5X evolution though.
I think Programmergeek means the detail is there, but without the harsh upper end.
There is a thing as too much "detail" to the point of driving you out of the room! My paradigm Signature S8s did that. The 2K cheaper Vandersteens simply sound better. Besides, I didn't care for the Chinese built cabinets! (they had a disclaimer about maintaining 40% humidity in your house or the warranty is void when the cabinet cracks!)

Personally, I have the 3a Sigs powered by a McIntosh MC275, 4 ohm taps. Pre-amp is a C22. Not only do they go very low, they also go up all the way in a natural, not overly aggressive presentation. I can listen for hours without fatigue.

I never had SS hooked up to them because I consider SS a step backwards. The MC275 DOES control the bass, goes l-o-w, has plenty of detail, extended highs. My MC240 did a good job, but the 275 a much better one.

As an extra note I have a pair of 1C speakers driven by a MAC1500 tube receiver. What an excellant combination for a smaller room!!

I don't think you can go wrong with a bulletproof Mc275.
Try a pair of Rogue M-150 Magnums, I've had a pair of the smaller M-120 Magnums driving my Apogee Duetta Signatures for around a week now...musical, musical, musical

I should mention...these amps can pump bass with the best of them...I replaced a Krell Kav-500 with these, (biggest difference?)...this bass is musical.

All Vandersteen speakers sound great with both tubes and solid state. I have hooked up my 2Ce Sigs to my cheapo Jolida 302B and to my Krell 400cx and they sound simply great driven by either amp. And laid back and detailed are not mutually exclusive but best experienced first hand.
I am getting very good results with the DNA 225 and ARC SP-16L SS and tubes.