Amps for Vandersteen 3A Signature SS or Tube?

Any Vandy owners care to comment about the combination with one of the following or make any other recommendations?

1. Levinson (33x or 43x)
2. Rowland (new or old monos)
3. Nuforce (Reference 9)
5. Ayre (V5x)
6. Belles (350A Reference)

1. Conrad Johnson (Premier 12 monos)
2. Antique Sound Labs (DT 1009)
3. Jadis (Defy 7)
All Vandersteen speakers sound great with both tubes and solid state. I have hooked up my 2Ce Sigs to my cheapo Jolida 302B and to my Krell 400cx and they sound simply great driven by either amp. And laid back and detailed are not mutually exclusive but best experienced first hand.
I am getting very good results with the DNA 225 and ARC SP-16L SS and tubes.
"Laid back and detailed" does seem superficially contradictory but well describes the sound I get from my 3A Sigs driven by Rogue M-150's in a well-treated listening room. All the detail is there but is placed naturally in the soundstage which is not thrust forward but instead pulls you into the music. It is not a gimmicky or splashy presentation; it invites contemplative, concentrated listening and is particlarly realistic for opera (my favorite) and operatic venues. I use a separate Blue Circle Music Ring 1200 for each amp which has improved the sense of precision and rhythmic accuracy of the sound. Finally, the addition of a REL Stadium III rolling off at 23hz has further enhanced the presentation, particularly on live recordings. I had previously used a Levinson 27 (admittedly not the latest and the greatest ss, but not shabby) with the 3A Sigs and I could not capture the emotion within the notes to the extent I do now -- that seems to be the gift of tubes.
I second Sogood51's suggestion for the Rouge 150's. I drive a pair of Vandy 2ce Sigs with them and they are very musical indeed. More than enough bass and plenty of headroom. They seem to keep "opening up" the higher the volume and even running them in triode I never feel like I could ever run orut of gas.
Over the years I have owned 1B, 1C, 2CE, 2CE Sig, 3A and 3A Sig speakers. I've always thought they were some of the best bank for the buck speakers available. I still do. However, once you move up in class (and spend more money) they are easily bettered, in my opinion. Once I owned my first pair of
Audio Physic Virgo IIs I've never looked back at Vandersteen.
I've owned Avanti IIIs for the last three years and they are easily the finest speaker I've ever owned and one of the very best I've ever heard. They are more transparent than Vandersteen could ever hope to be. They do a disappearing act that is incredible. My point being that Vandersteens are very good but, when budget is available, there is much, much better available. By comparison, every Vandersteen system I've ever heard (with the exception of the 5s) sounds