Amps for Vandersteen 3A Signature SS or Tube?

Any Vandy owners care to comment about the combination with one of the following or make any other recommendations?

1. Levinson (33x or 43x)
2. Rowland (new or old monos)
3. Nuforce (Reference 9)
5. Ayre (V5x)
6. Belles (350A Reference)

1. Conrad Johnson (Premier 12 monos)
2. Antique Sound Labs (DT 1009)
3. Jadis (Defy 7)
Laid back and yet detailed is a very good description of the whole Vandersteen line. Especially the 3A sigs and the 5As. Laid back in that you can listen to them for hours at any sound level without ear fatigue. In other words not colored on the bright side. Detailed in that you have no problem hearing the most subtle aspect of any recording. Music instruments and voices simply sound like what they are. It is the magic of Vandersteen speakers, and their curse. It is a curse for dealers because people give them a short listen and think they aren't hearing something special because they don't sound "differen". They simply reproduce sound the way we hear it all day long.
Thanks for all the input. It seems that the Vandy's thrive on neutral tubes. Anyone use the Aronov 9100's? Also, what seems to be the popular speaker cable to use? I visited Brooks Berdan in LA once and he swore by the Jadis Defy 7 and Cardas Golden or Neutral Reference.
It's shocking that no one has mentioned Quicksilvers yet. They are a synergistic match with Vandersteens. I've used a pair of the old quicksilver kt88s on this speaker before, and I don't doubt that their current equivalent (the mid-mono) would be a great-sounding, trouble free match. The V4 is another strong possibility: Richard Vandersteen uses a pair.
The Defy 7 is a great match and one of the best tube amps ever
made. Outstanding combination.
There are other threads on sum up though, the best I've heard on the 3A Signatures are the BEL 1001 Mk Vs and the Quicksilver V-4 Monoblocks.