what is the best deal you ever got on audiogon

wires preamps,amp what the best deal you got here
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I picked up a pair of Sonus Faber Grand Piano's for $1400 and if that wasn't a good enough deal already I later traded them for a pair of Alon Lotus SE MkIII's and then later traded those for my current JMlabs Micro-Utopias with matching stands! So in the end $6K+ speakers and stands for $1400 with a lot of fun along the way! I love Audiogon! And yes my GF thinks I'm insane.
6 month old Von Schweikert VR5s HSE $3200 delivered to my door. Still can't wipe the smile off my face on that one. Hell they even match the room decor.
IAG 4.5SE tube amp for $285 shipped. 3 wpc of single-ended bliss in an aircraft aluminum chassis. Thanks again, Bill.
The best deal I have recieved is the free insite and knowledge offered on audiogon and its forums. Considering the vast experence with different equipment and audio setups, the people on this site have given me an education which is priceless.
Thanks to all of you.