Are you spending your time at the computer instead

of listening to your system? Is your hobby leaning more and more towards internet sites and discussion groups on things hi-fi or are you still listening to as much recorded music as before? Do you do both at the same time, and if yes, do you think that it is a good thing to have a mega dollar system's sound "filtered" through a video display screen.
I split my time. I do listen a lot, and that hasn't changed since I have started to use Audiogon. But I also listen while I'm looking at Audiogon instead of say watching TV. I guess you could say I listen more because of it.
I'm with S7horton - I probably listen more due to having a computer, though I also often have a basketball game on mute while listening to music.

Do I think it's a good thing to "filter" the sound this way? That never really occurred to me as relevant if it's all about the music. -Kirk

My TV time has suffered due to my internet "surfing." I'd be surprised if I watched 10hours of TV/week. Usually it's under 5 hours/week, if that. I've listened to more radio in the car by each Wednesday than that! The rest is either spent with computers (which I do for a living), listening to audio, and maybe some mild human-to-human interaction to round out the week.