NAD C320BEE Vs Audio Refinement Complete

Has anyone done a comparison of these two Intergrated amps. Just curious because these two are my top choices for my very first amp and entry to audiophile nirvana. What would be a better choice for all around listening and versatility? What bookshelf speakers around 600 and under would match well with these?

Thanks alot guy/gal's your advice has helped me in deciding alot quicker.
Do not know anything about the AR unit, but I have an NAD 320 BEE with a pair of Odyssey Epiphony speakers. This is a very musical combo - I use it for Home theater. I used the Epiphony in my main system for a while - they throw a huge soundstage and have good bass for the size. They are $600.00/pair through Odyssey Audio direct.
Hope this helps.
I have heard the NAD driving some Proac floorstanders in a large treated room. It sounded great with the sound quality also impressing the owner who was doubtful about its ability to drive them properly (home based sales guy).

I have a complete alpha myself and all I can say is that its absolutely magical for me. I've had it for nearly 2 years and I still can't believe what a joy it is to listen to. Great bass, sparkle, soundstage, pace, rich tone and just enough softness to cover up imperfect recordings.

You asked two questions; one about the Nad, the other about matching speakers. I have the c320bee with a pair of Dynaudio Audience 42's for my bedroom system. They match very well. The 42's list for $850 according to Dynaudio's website. I found my pair in very good condition here on Audiogon for $450.