What price point favors separates over integrated?

At my point in the audio food chain, an integrated is the only choice. Buying separates for less than $2K total doesn't make any sense. But there are some really really expensive integrated amps out there. Which got me thinking... At what price point is it better to have separates rather than an integrated? I'm leaving out concerns about space here. Just for sound, if you have $5K, is it better to have a Levinson integrated (or equivalent), or two components, say $2K pre and $2K amp (+ cables/powercords if you're into that)?

For that matter, where's the cutoff for monoblocks over a pre/amp combo?

I know there's "no right answer" here, as it will depend on your particular taste in gear, but I'd like to hear your opinions, as many of you must face this choice.
I'm jealous. The kW500 is a beast! And I bet you *could* tell the difference, provided the speakers were inefficient enough, and the volumes high enough. The specs on those two amps are quite different.

More importantly, how much would you have to spend on separates to find something that really shines over your kW500? My guess is... a LOT!

Yeah the PSU is in another box, but still, no ics to deal with. I don't know... do you replace the power cable between PSU and amp w/ aftermarket?
Since this thread seems to have gone to the MF crowd, thought I would chime in. IMHO there is no advantage one way or the other depending on the manufacture. My A308 integrated has 2 seperate power supplies 1 for the pre and 1 for the amp. And yes it is a beast of an integrated. I have been drooling over the KW750 pre and KW750 amp for my next upgrade only because I feel a need for more head room.

My previous set up was a B&K pre model? and a B&K ST2140 amp at a cost of $1400.00 for the pair purchased in 2002. Before that was an Adcom pre 555II and 2 Adcom 555 amps run in mono purchased in 1989. Were these good setups in my opinion yes but I was a fledgeing audiofool.

Now that I am a junior audiofool and have listened to a lot more gear I have definatly developed preferences for sound. I am lucky in that I have always been able to come home after a listening session sit down in front of the system and be happy with the sound that is comming from it.

Yes, I replaed the stock power cord with a 30 amp Elrod Signature 3.0. My kW500 replaced $17k of separates. That being said, I've heard a BAT system recently that made me very jealous. And the big ASR integrated makes me ponder a second mortgage, if we can trust HP's assessment...
I didn't read things clearly, but I recommend Nuforce amps and the Oritek X-2 interconnects.