Dartzeel amp lives up to hype

I purchased a fully broken in Dartzeel about a week ago to drive the Von Schweikert VR-7SE. I was concerned about the 100w power rating and was put to ease when I switched it on. Powerful tight bass and the sweetest midrange and delicate highs one could hope for. Transparency is way ahead of all other amps I've had. Definitely lives up to the reviews.
Rgs92: Thanks you! We worked very hard to get the sound good in NY, and due to the very small size of the room and the large size of the speakers, we were very surprised at how good it sounded.
Well, I usually hate to dismiss a product if I don't have sufficient evidence of it's danger. However, given the warning in the instructions coupled with even the "possibility" that it can damage an amp, I am going to pass on using the SST. If anyone wants to buy a NEW kit for a cheap price, let me know!

In defense of SST or Mapleshades silver contact enhancer, I used it extensively on several tube amps, line stages, and tube players. There are very precise instructions on how to use it. I worried greatly about shorting RCA plugs and treated them very carefully. I never had any difficulties, although I have now cleaned it all of and use AudioTop instead.
I'll second Rgs92's comments. While I am a vinyl listener, I thought the sound Jtinn was getting from the Dartzeel/VR9/EMM combination was some of the best being offered in NY in 2005. A testimony to the quality of the equipment synergy. If it sounded as good as it did in less than optimal conditions, it's potential in the right space goes without saying.
Rgs92 Hit the nail on the head, I heard the Dart/VR9/EMM Labs combo at the '05 Rocky Mtn. Show in Denver last fall. "Purity" & "Sheer Beauty" are very accurate ways to describe what I heard. In addition, there was an effortlessness and natural sonic signiture seldom heard outside of a live performance venue. Sound reproduction of this quality is extremely difficult to achieve with a top flight analog system and damn close to impossible to pull off with a digital setup. My hats off to Jtinn for assembling a show system of this caliber.