Help with re-tubing an ARC VT100 MkII

It's now time for me to retube my Audio Research VT100 MkII. It appears that it's no big deal, if I only want to retube the power tubes. However, I think its time to retube the input tubes as well.

Can anyone offer any advise as to:
1) Should I just spend the reported $700-$800 (seems expensive to me) and send it to ARC?
2) Can anyone offer an alternative to No.1 (I don't know anyone here in Memphis, TN that could do it)
3) Any suggestions as to what brands/types of tubes to replace the old ones?

In advance, thank you!

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I personally do not think you need to have the unit sent back to ARC. I had a VT-100MKII for a while, and I purchased new tubes from ARC and retubed it myself, easily.
Biasing the power tubes is easy. I do not know how to bias the input tubes, but I think it might be unnecessary.
Ask around- there was a website with information about input tube biasing once, I believe...
Good luck

I would let the ARC do it if you are going to replace the input tubes as well. Output tubes are easy to replace and bias, but those input tube biasing is not easy.
If you are going to buy all those (perfectly) matched tubes, it will cost $400 anyway. If you send it to ARC, they will not only do it correctly but also check all the other specs and do the necessary maintenance.
I just spoke with Leonard at ARC. Here's the breakdown on charges...

$150 a match pr. * 4 = $600
$30 a piece for the inputs tubes * 8 = $240
Roughly $80 for labor (one hour) = $80
Subtotal = $920
Shipping (round trip) roughly $100
Total cost for ARC to retube =$1,020

Anyone think this is a bit on the high side?