Ultimate Amplifier for the next 20 Years

Hello all!
Well, you I am again on the amplifier merry-go-round after my last digital amp(noname mentioned!) let me down in the dumps after a comparison with a Halo A21 amp. I had a keen ear friend who reviews for Stereo Times and he felt the same. Musical instruments more real sounding with better decay. Man was I surprised after thinking that the digital amp was my last! BTW, the most important part, my speakers are a pair of Apogee Studio Grands in beautiful piano black!! Now the digital amp is on subwoofers in which it has ALOT of punch! The perfect(but not cheap) subwoofer amp! High damping factor, runs cool, dual posts to run four(4) subs if you choose to and never runs out of juice!!

Anyway, I want to keep it under $5000 used or new. Prefer 2 channel amp and maybe monoblocks. Amp can't run too hot(very important)! My pre/pro is a Lexicon MC12B.
Here are my amps that I'm considering in order:

Classe CA2200- Runs class A up to 60 watts! Right now I have a dealer making me a killer offer. Probably the one I'm going to buy...

McCormack DNA500- My big second choose!

Theta Dreadnaught II- Since I have a 8.4 sound system but don't need alot of power for the other speakers, this would be the perfect multichannel amp for me(remember the .4 is powered by my digital amp). One BIG problem, it runs tooo freakin’ hot!

NuForce 9.2- Hearing great things.

Krell FBC300Cx- Jason Bloom ran only krell amps with Apogees.

Please add your thoughts on any comparison on these amps or a new one that you think are superior. I want this to be my last amp purchase for a long time! Right.... ; )

You might ask Ejlif about his JC1's. They are on multi-level racks, and I don't think they run hot.

Hope to meet soon, and can't wait to hear your new toy!

Ptheo, I couldn't tell all the "why's" that the kW500 was better, but you are right in that the 500 watts may play a role, my speakers like power and it is one area I speculate. As for the tubes, they may play a part; I am not necessarily a tube guy, I am not against them, but I don't think of the kW500 as your "typical" tube unit, even though it has them...good for 100,000 hours is nice.

As for, "what did I like better", everything sonically, I don't recall prefering the Classe amp and pre in any area (sonically).

I really don't know if there was anything wrong with my CA2200, I am simply questioning it for a couple reasons. 1) Classe had some early issues with there CP-500 going full volume at times when you adjusted the volume, thankfully my S805s took it in stride every time, the amp would go into protection; after doing this many times I wonder if some harm came to the amp, though I never noticed a change. 2) A lot of praise has been made on this amp, I too felt the same on my S805s, so why did I feel differently on the 802D's?

The Classe was plenty broke in.
You can get a demo Pass Labs 250.5 from Audio-Video Logic for $4500 with warranty. Really nice amp. Just a suggestion

I really think that your concern about heat generated by the JC-1s is a little overblown. I had them running hard for 4 hours last weekend, and at the end of it all, they were a little more than warm. This, by the way, was with the rear switch in 'high' Class A mode, where heat should be at a maximum. They don't produce anywhere near the temps that, for example, my Rogue Zeus did. Having said that, I note that the 3" clearance could be a problem. Is the quoted clearance above the amps, to the sides, or both? Parasound makes it clear that 6" is required above the amps.

One amp that I considered was the McCormack DNA-500. I traded numerous emails with Steve McCormack and was thoroughly impressed by the guy. First, the amp itself should run very cool. Second, those upgrades of which you spoke were designed to bring his previous designs up to his latest thinking. There is no upgrade available for the DNA-500, nor is there one planned. My understanding is that he believes that this unit is just about as good as he can make it at a reasonable price point. As for the cost of the upgrades on older units, if Classe decided to offer something similar, I assure you that their own prices would be high as well. Newer, high spec parts are expensive, and upgrades such as this are generally labor-intensive. Instead, they - like most - simply offer new models. I, for one, applaud Steve's long term support of his creations. In my opinion, you could not go wrong if you decided on a DNA-500.
Mdconnelly: I also heard the Butler amps before getting the DNA-500. The Butlers merely HINT at what the DNA-500 delivers in spades. The McCormack also has a much deeper, tighter and more controlled bass response. The extra power is very noticeable even on very quiet passages, etc. as the amp really controls the speakers exceedingly well.

I would just pick up a DNA-500 used on Agon if $ is an issue - if it doesn't work in your system, you can always resell it without getting hurt. Once you hear this amp, it probably won't leave your system.
Feel free to e-mail me if you'd like to discuss further, and NO, I'm not a dealer nor do I have any connection to Steve McCormack, other than being a very satisfied listener.