Ultimate Amplifier for the next 20 Years

Hello all!
Well, you I am again on the amplifier merry-go-round after my last digital amp(noname mentioned!) let me down in the dumps after a comparison with a Halo A21 amp. I had a keen ear friend who reviews for Stereo Times and he felt the same. Musical instruments more real sounding with better decay. Man was I surprised after thinking that the digital amp was my last! BTW, the most important part, my speakers are a pair of Apogee Studio Grands in beautiful piano black!! Now the digital amp is on subwoofers in which it has ALOT of punch! The perfect(but not cheap) subwoofer amp! High damping factor, runs cool, dual posts to run four(4) subs if you choose to and never runs out of juice!!

Anyway, I want to keep it under $5000 used or new. Prefer 2 channel amp and maybe monoblocks. Amp can't run too hot(very important)! My pre/pro is a Lexicon MC12B.
Here are my amps that I'm considering in order:

Classe CA2200- Runs class A up to 60 watts! Right now I have a dealer making me a killer offer. Probably the one I'm going to buy...

McCormack DNA500- My big second choose!

Theta Dreadnaught II- Since I have a 8.4 sound system but don't need alot of power for the other speakers, this would be the perfect multichannel amp for me(remember the .4 is powered by my digital amp). One BIG problem, it runs tooo freakin’ hot!

NuForce 9.2- Hearing great things.

Krell FBC300Cx- Jason Bloom ran only krell amps with Apogees.

Please add your thoughts on any comparison on these amps or a new one that you think are superior. I want this to be my last amp purchase for a long time! Right.... ; )

Thanks for the replies/info! Still no killer amp!!

I came very close and might still purchase (for the next 5 years atleast!) a pair of Classe CAM-200 monoblocks! Here is the ad and a review:

Half the price of the Delta CA2200, same power, class-A up to 40watts(vs60delta), and they fit perfect together in the middle bottom shelf(11.5Wx2=22"-space is 24"W). The CAM350's are too big. The ONLY negative things I have read about them is that the extreme topend is absent. Any experience with them anyone....?! Then again, not the ultimate amps and I don't know if I'll be satisfied with them. For 2g's though looks like a killer deal! Man it's tuff being an audiophile! So many amps to choose from!!! Out of all the amps spoken of, I still feel the DNA500 is the kick ass amp to get...plus it runs cool!. You are right Curriemt11 about the upgradability options on the DNA500, that amp could be the ultimate (never out of date due to upgrades) 20 year amp!!!!
There are some Ayre V-1XE's on Audiogon now that might fit the bill for what you are looking for in your price range...surprised they have not been mentioned before now. More muscle than the phenomenal V-5X's, and if I had your budget I would already have one in my system.

"Lifetime Warranty on Parts and Labour, Unconditional, Fully-Transferable"

Why worry?
Mattkimb96- The Ayre V-1XE looks like a great amp. But I think the McCormackDNA500/Krell300Cx would be better for that amount of cash($9000).

Loudandclear- Interesting design. Does's anybody out there have any of there amps?! The Z500s amp has a BIG 2,000 VA, but it doesn't double in to 4ohms(250W-8, 400W-4). Not good.

Still working on a deal for the Classe CAM200's($2200). Different seller than the prior ad. This seller includes a 4 year warranty. If I can get my hands on a used CA2200 for $2500, I go for that instead.

Maybe Santa will surprise me..... ; )