Decent stereo amp / pre amp on relative budget

I have started putting together a stereo only system. I have a limited budget (and a huge mortgage, two small children, etc.) but I love music and so I am trying to be cost effective and get the best I can. I already have a pair of Paradigm Studio 100 v.3s and I am considering getting the Anthem Statment A2 amplifier. I am wondering whether I would be better off with a pre amp / amp combo or an integrated amp. I believe the former will give me better sound but at a higher price. I do not have a phono -only a CD player. My budget is tops $3500 for the pre-amp / amp. The room size is 20ft long by 10 ft wide by 9 ft high.

I listen to all sorts of music from classical to hard rock

Any suggestions on what pre amps / amps to consider would be most welcome.
The Luxman R1120A is also a great unit, even better than the R-117 (I presently own both). Although the R1120A is rated at 120 wpc, vs.160 for the R-117, it sounds stronger and fuller, and much more like tubes. The MC/MM phono section is superb, the tuner is equally superb, and you can get them for $200-300 on ebay when the come along (not often)
(Used) Aragon 8008BB/28K, Bryston 4BST/BP25 or, if you shop well on agon, Krell 2250/280P. I use the Krell combo with Energy speakers and it's very nice. Can't go wrong with any of these though. Good luck.
I think you'd be hard pressed to beat the Ayre CX7e integrated. There's a used on listed for $2400 (and I'm in no way affiliated with Ayre or that seller). Would still leave some moolah for more music, which is always a good thing!
Happy listening!