amp and pre for Soundlab M-1's

Any suggestions for an amp& preamp for the Soundlab M-1's? I am currently using an Audio Aero Capitole CD player directly into Parasound JC1's. The sound is great but not enough volume. I also need four inputs on the preamp.
Keep the JC-1s and acquire an Aesthetix preamp (mine happens to be a Janus, but a Callisto would do in a pinch :) ). This, in my opinion, is sonic nirvana.

Yo John, why didn't you tell him to run, not walk, to scour the streets for a CAT??? After all, the question was about amps as well! Wish I could visit with you and Brian in January, but alas, work calls.
Curriemt11: I did not want to obliterate his bank account all in one day. You gotta do these things slowwwwwwwwwly. Yes, I am a big fan of the amplified felines as well. These with the Io/Callisto results in sonic nirvana indeed. Mighty nice. Just wish my room were bigger!

I am in the western burbs of the Minneapolis area so if Seadogs1 is anywhere nearby, a friendly visit is always welcome.....after the holidays of course.

Hey Brian. Sure I agree that in the real world, just as I learned in engineering school, that "power and dB are related logarithmically". our audio world, an amplifier's power specification is derived from standardized tests that in many instances has little correspondence to the amount of power available to drive a speaker. Among other issues, the power rating is based on an amplifier driving a dummy resistive load. As most speakers have impedances which are a much more difficult load to drive than a pure resistor, the power ratings, most of the time, are but vapor wear. The specs are great for marketing, but do not necessarily correlate to a given performance level in a real stereo system.
Seadogs, just noticed a previous thread that dealt with some of your questions. This gets into using 845 based SET amps on Sound Labs.

SoundLab 845 SET Link

Per preamps, I love the Viva preamp which is quite the combo with the Viva amp. Enjoy your speakers!
Essentialaudio, why don't you explain that you are a dealer, also, after hearing your system, I would question your reccomendations.

Happy holidays Brian
