amp and pre for Soundlab M-1's

Any suggestions for an amp& preamp for the Soundlab M-1's? I am currently using an Audio Aero Capitole CD player directly into Parasound JC1's. The sound is great but not enough volume. I also need four inputs on the preamp.
Seadogs, just noticed a previous thread that dealt with some of your questions. This gets into using 845 based SET amps on Sound Labs.

SoundLab 845 SET Link

Per preamps, I love the Viva preamp which is quite the combo with the Viva amp. Enjoy your speakers!
Essentialaudio, why don't you explain that you are a dealer, also, after hearing your system, I would question your reccomendations.

Happy holidays Brian

Gee, 711smilin, why the crude remarks, especially since I was polite to you at your house, the fact that enough equipment has been in and out of your system in the past couple of years without sufficient time to break in and enough to make anyone's head spin, and the fact that you insulted me after asking my advice on amplifiers, saying you only buy used on the web. Furthermore, I didn't think it necessary to mention I'm a dealer because I didn't mention anything I sell, it's not my place to do so. It's worth saying that Jafox has been to my house twice, both for long auditions, and he has a better ear and a better system than you, and is a gentleman. In my opinion, of course.
Oops, my bad and I apologize. I did mention one brand. I'll go stand in the corner now.
Hi 711smilin: I have to chime in here to give a different perspective on the sound of Brian's system with the U1's. This system has the biggest dynamic contrasts and highest resolution of a system that I have heard....especially when you drop in the CAT amps. Brian's sonic priorities here are very evident. On a number of tracks that he played for me, we really had his system creating quite the "boogie" factor. Talk about a lot of fun and musical enjoyment. But I have to admit with the Blowtorch, I liked the Atmasphere MA1 amps the most to drive his U1's. On some music, this really created quite a different musical attachment for me.

I tend to like more of a full and rich lower midrange and for this I can give up the other strengths of a system for these traits. And this is why I tried to sneak in a vote for the Aesthetix while Brian was not looking. But the Blowtorch, like the CAT Ultimate line stage, does some sonic magic in a few areas I wish the Aesthetix did. I would think the Blowtorch would be an awesome match with SET amps driving the SL speakers.

We all have to bounce between neutral, natural, emotional (aren't we all emotional here!), resolving, etc., when it comes down to the final sound of our system. And the more we get to know the priorities of others here, just as with the case of reviewers, the more we can put their comments and recommendations into perspective.
