VTL MB450 vs BAT75SE???

OK, I know I have been all over the place on my posts in the last few days but bear with me. I was thinking low power tube amp with high effeciency spaekers (ala Avantgarde/300B) and still havn't ruled that out.

However, if I do stick with my current Martin Logans I need to move on with my amplifier set-up. I really prefer to stay balanced and am thus limited in my choices. Has anyone compared the BAT with the VTL 450? On paper the VTL looks a lot more powerful; is this really the case? Would the BAT drive the Logans? How about reliablity? Basic sonic characteristics?

Because money is tight right now I am going to be buying used so I can't really listen to either of these amps before a purchase........... I really need some help on this one guy's.


I've had the 150SEs and the VTL 450s. I would say with your MLs you better go for the extra power. You could probably get away with the 150SEs and MLs, but that would be a lot more than a set of 450s. The 450s are awesome, another amp to consider would be the Parasound JC-1s. I had both the 450s and the JC-1s here together and ultimately chose to keep the JC-1s. The JC-1s were a little more relaxed sounding and had superior bass, but they did miss a little of that tube magic that the 450s give you. The BAT amp sounds great too, also very detailed in the highs like the 450s, but maybe a little better down low. I had no trouble with the 450s or the JC1s, but I did have quite a bit of trouble with blowing fuses in the BAT amps.
I have the Manley Reference 350's 383 watts/mono
They are made by VTL, and drive big Maggies.
With no problem, and they are driven by a BAT pre so---

I say if you have the scratch stay Logan and go VTL!!!

das loon
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