Why so many amplifiers for sale?

I remember not so long ago when these things were the hot ticket item, touted by all the reviewers as the next-big-thing, giant-killer, blah blah blah. Once again, all of the hype proves to be just that, and now I count literally hundreds of them for sale. So what's the deal? Nobody likes amplifiers anymore? Moving onto some other world beater of a component, I suppose? Go on, tell me it's just because so many of them were sold, hence the vast sea of available product on the used marketplace. I don't buy it. Just like everything else, they've come and gone. Their fifteen minutes of fame are now over. CD players, too. Have you seen how many of those are up for sale? Tossed into the classifieds like a weathered mistress. I knew it was coming, and that's why I've been sticking to singing in the shower. None of this fly-by-night hobby plunging for me. I'm much too smart to get caught up in that.

And by the way, am I still in business? I've been e-mailing myself all week, and get no response.

I'm not sure what the American way is??? Is it Enron? Is is some crazy running over kids in a McD's parking lot? Is is friends I know that sacrificed their time and money to go help people in the Gulf Coast after the hurricane? Is there an American way any more? Well anyway, back to the thread.....

Yeah why are there so many amps for sale? Kept me awake all night thinking about it.

well it's like larry510 said we're all trying to find that audio nirvana sound will we ever find it i don't know but that's why we're on audiogon trying to find that ultimate amp that can take us to next level.

i went through three diffferent home theater receivers, cd players speakers and all the way up to bryston sp-1.7 and a 4b-sst looking for that ultimate sound, also through ton's of cash in the process.

that's why there's so many amps out there.
this hobby is just another addication so enjoy the high. (L.O.L.)
Kt_88, try being thankful for what you have. That frame of mind goes a long way in ending an unsatiable desire for more and more, IMHO.
As Americans, we have so much in the way of material stuff. But as you note we still aren't satisified. I don't understand why people can't figure out this is not the way to happiness.
Give some people in South America a soccer ball and they're probably happier than your average American with a new Lex.

I agree with you completely. Contentment is found within, not from what I can possess from materail possesions. Right now I listening to a Sony receiver made in the 80's that I bought at a yard sale. I might later go high end agian. But the relacation bug is slowing me down. But I doubt I will ever make it back to my +$15,000 system I once owned.

I do enjoy audiogon however and the loads of knowledge here. And I am a techy tye person and I am delveloping the hobby fo upgrading lower end equipemnt just for the joy of working with my hands.