What headphone amp to buy-Sennheiser HD 600?

Well, thanks to the kindness and patience of my fellow A'gon-izers, the hook-up "problem" for the headphone amp I have is solved. The amp is a Ramsey SHA 1. The phones are Sennheiser HD 600. I had remembered that amp sounding great. Now I'm spoiled by the new speakers I have, and even though the signal path to the amp is thru the Dodson DAC, I still think it sounds........not so great. Decent I suppose, but harsh on the upper end, yet without the mitigating detail, and you know, just.....unsatisfactory.

OK, OK, so here's the question(s): What's a great, fairly cheap (like, at LEAST less than a grand) headphone amp? Sonically, I want EVERYTHING!!!! (Except soundstage, that has never happened for me with any headphones, ever, I'm pretty sure not even with the expensive Stax I heard a few years ago).
It MUST have: Tight, deep, fast, smooth, tonally correct, musical bass, shimmering, non-fatiguing, emminently smooth yet ultra detailed highs, great midbass punch with no boom or softness whatsoever, midrange that is totally natural, smooth, detailed, and lacking any hint whatsoever of grain or electronic amplification artifact in the upper registers. It should sound great on ALL program material, from classical to rock to bluegrass to new age to jazz, anything and everything.

Other than those relatively modest criteria, there are no other performance demands. :)))

So, fire away!
Mdhoover, the Radio Shack DMM would be just fine in this application. I have never worked on an tube audio amplifier nor seen any schematics but only on guitar amplifiers and have been doing so for about 30 years. Most if not all guitar amps don't have provisions for the probes of the DMM, (i.e. not user friendly). Groove Tubes has a tube socket (with a built in 1Ω resistor with attached leads) the tube under test gets plug into this device and the device into the empty tube socket on the amp. Here is a link to that manufacture's page: http://www.groovetubes.com/product.cfm?Product_ID=1191
Swampwalker* and Richingoth: Thanks guys! That information is extremely helpful. The new tubes have arrived and now just the headset is still out.
*(Swampwalker: "Ignorance" is a term that has never even crossed my mind when thinking of you. It applies quite nicely to my knowlege of tubes, however!)
Uh-oh, looks like my copy of the SRM T1 owner's manual doesn't mention tube biasing at all. #@%$&!! (It must be different than the owner's manual for the 006t that Swampwalker used to own). In an effort not to bug you guys any more, I actually did try to find a pdf of the owner's manual (in case the one I have is incomplete or something, even though it doesn't look incomplete), and did Google the question using the advanced search function. Guess what: Google sent me back here. Any SRM T1 owners out there?????? Marakanetz, are you an SRM T1 owner? Thanks again.
With the price range most people here are playing with, I'm surprised on one has recommended anything from the Headroom line. I've heard nothing but good things about them, especially the upper level amps. My friend has one and says the crossfeed process/switch helps with the feel of headphone listening by making it seem more like listening to speakers instead of 2 distinct sound sources. Maybe the solution to imaging?

Personally, I've got to recommend the Musical Fidelity X-Can v3. I picked one up for my Grado SR325's. I actually found very little about using it with Grados, but headfi is filled with people who swear by it for their HD650's. I'd figure that would make it a good match for you.

Does everything well (unlike most headfiers, yes I do listen to classical)
Unarguably good looks
Great build
DIY moddability (caps and tubes)
Run through lets you put it between a source and preamp

No power switch. Apparently the simpler circuit design helps?

At $350 it's a great bargain and very reasonable for a headphone system. Personally, I think the point of diminishing returns comes very quickly for headphone rigs as compared with stereos. $500 can get you a great pair of phones and an amp which can shame most loudspeaker systems that cost 10x as much.
I've considered the MF X-Can tube buffer and may get one if I keep the HD 600's. Thanks for the info.