Is the NAD 3020 the best value of all time?

This question is loaded I know, but that question is being asked from this perspective.

My brother is in for the Holidays and the first thing he asked was, "What is with this Stereo?"

So I asked him to grab his music and have a listen. His face lit up as he listened to his favorite live album. He said man can you hear the people talking in the crowd. And I can hear a baby crying. Oh did you hear that is a drum. I never heard that before.

Next question was how much would it cost me to do this?

I could have kissed him, but long story short I want to get him started super simple and cheap.

I have heard all kinds of praise for the NAD integrated 3020 amp as an all time value piece. The question is was the NAD a value in its day or is it an all time value still?
Is there anything out there today on the used market that can compete with this value amp for performance and price?

I hope to have the hooks in my little bro in a couple of weeks.
Nice, you have to love it when that happens. I set a friend up with a NAD 320BEE and a Pair of the EPOS ELS-3's. The combination was fantastic and all for $450.00! Anyway, that is just one example but you can make your $$$ go along way performance versus dollar here on Audiogon.

Good Luck and Seasons Greetings!!

I guess I am asking for the price they are selling for used, $100 give or take, is there anything out there that might get my brother started. We will be going with a cheap all in one player, a integrated, and some enty level speakers with a goal of about $300.00.
From there I will let him decide. His room is a small block room if I remember. He is a resident director of the Men's Dorn at a small Bible college.
If there is any way to get him going for about the same as the NAD I am all ears.
I have never heard a NAD before, and thank you for your insight.
They cost less than $200 back in ' they can't be worth much now. The switches became intermittent with age, and as the caps dried out, they developed instability problems. Part of the reason it sounded good was the voltage gain stage of the power amp was run off of a regulated supply.
The NAD 3020 magic is that it is VERY musical,unlike most Audio, old or new.

Don't buy one that says "series twenty"

I liked the 3020 better than the Nait 2 and many other units...
Magic midrange it has...