
I'm looking to upgrade my LS-15 to one of the following linestages:

LS-5 Mk III, LS-16 Mk I, LS-25 Mk I, Reference One, Reference Two Mk I

How do you compare those against each other? Please share your experience if you owned any of them...

I like the sound of 6922 tubes... How does it compare to the sound of 6H30 in the more recent LS-16 Mk II, LS-25 Mk II, Reference Two Mk II?

My system as follows:

Wadia 830
Sonus Faber Cremona
MIT Shotgun S3 IC & SC

I listen mostly to Classical Baroque and Jazz instrumental & vocals

Thanks for your advices!
to tube or supertube.......that is the question...

and also how much you want to spend.......
Hmmm, there are still rampant rumours of an impending LS26. . . perhaps at CES? If the pricing of the Ref 3 is any indication, an LS26 may be priced very similarly to the current LS25 Mk. 2, which when new is priced similarly to a used Ref 2 Mk. 2.
Sound of 6H30 versus 6922? It's all in the design and implementation. I deeply dislike the BAT VK51SE, but love the ARC Ref 3. . . and they are both based on 6H30 tubes.
The sonic qualities of the Ref3 seem to be causing much drooling in the audio world. However: 1. I can't afford one and 2. it is way over the top in flexibility and features.
The maximum number of inputs I would ever likely need would be 2 with 1 set of outputs, ok maybe 2 one RCA and 1 XLR. Let's hope they come out with a simpler, kinder (in the pocketbook) version with similar sound quality. If the LS26 fits this bill I could be very interested.
I owned an ls25 mk1 for awhile and thoroughly enjoyed it. I tried a ref1 and couldn't get it out of my system fast enough. Everyone rave's about the ls5 as I'm sure you're aware (I've never heard one), but it has no remote and is all xlr input/outputs. Always wanted to try the ls25 mk2 (never heard a 6h30 based pre), but after exhaustive research (and too many people saying 6h30 is more ss sounding), went with the Aesthetix Calypso and could never go back to the ls25 mk1. I do believe that I'm going to own this Calypso for many, many years. But again, I did enjoy the ls25 mk1 while it was in my system. FWIW, hope this helps...
I am usually very reluctant to give recommendations on audio gear since perceived performance is so dependent on listener preferences, associated gear and listening environment. However, the LS25 MKI, with NOS 6922 (6H23), is a very musical and transparent performer. Coupled with the ARC VT100 mkII the LS25 MKI produces a huge, coherent and transparent 3D soundstage, with excellent dynamics and articulation. At about $2000 used, it is hard to beat.