Help choose a power amp

I have a home system powered by a Denon AV3200. The fronts are NHT VT2's. Watching a movie sounds good, but listening to music is very poor. I am getting absolutely no bass. I don't think the 80w is driving the VT2's. I would like to begin an upgrade process starting with a power amp to power the mains. Man on a budget is looking for recommendations. Thanks for any help.
Have you considered biamping your VT2's? Perhaps use the receiver for the mids/highs and a small amp for the bass, preferably one with gain controls so you could tailor the sound to your liking. I personally believe 80 watts is plenty for a semi-efficient speaker like yours, provided you have ample headroom.

That's weird. On most of the HT systems I've set up I get comparitively more bass when switching to CD. Maybe your receiver settings are not correct for 2-channel playback. I recall that one receiver I used would cut off the bass to the main speakers unless you set the "subwoofer" to "N" for no/off... You may also have to set the main speakers to their "Large" mode, if you have not already done so. Maybe dusting off that instruction booklet would be a good idea.
It sounds odd that movies are OK... but no bass with music. It is often the other way arround. Is there a sub in your setup?? more info would be helpful.