Herbie's Hal-O tube dampener's on Calypso?

Looking for input from people using these on their pre's.

I know they're inexpensive, just don't wanna waste my money if they don't make any positive improvements.

Gain stage, output stage or both?

Unit sits on Aurios Pro's with 5/8" tungsten carbide balls.

Yes indeed, audphile. That is not my std practice but I had two tubes that were ringing like crazy with just loud music so just a light tap was all it took.....nothing crazy!
Audphile1: No problem....your comment was right on. I just wanted to assure you that with a very light touch with the eraser end of a pencil, I found the two culprits immediately. I can now crank up the music and not hear the one tube in the Io singing on its own. And now I can't believe how quiet things are when I adjust the volume on the Callisto. Just about ready for JD and Lucinda to come back for more fun.
That's cool John. By the way, back to Herbie's hal-O damping instruments. I experimented with them in my pre-amp and found them to work best(improvement is most noticable) when they are installed at the very top of the tube. Installing them in the middle of the tube and things start sounding sterile. Towards the bottom of the tube the pre-amp sounds a little better than with hal-o rings in the middle of the tube but still not as good as it sounds when the Hal-O rings are installed at the top of the tube. How was your experience?
Unfortunately, I just haven't had much time to sit down for critical listening under what I consider "proper" conditions. That's not to say that I haven't done any listening. With that being said, I haven't noticed any detrimental effects of the Hal-O's that have made me want to pull them off the pre. I installed them all the way at the top of the tubes and perhaps I will play with placement a bit in the coming weeks. I don't listen to music during the week, so hopefully I will get plenty of hi-fi time this coming weekend...