How do I get the most out of the Squeezebox Touch

I'm streaming music from the PC in my office to the audio system in my living room via the SBT. It sounds good but I'd like to improve it. I'm aware that I can run the SBT output through a better DAC but I'm thinking that will cost several times the price of the SBT in order to hear an improvement. Is there anything that I can do on the PC end prior to the signal leaving the PC. I'm aware of different players like Foobar, JRiver, etc. and enhancements to iTunes such as Pure Music but will any of these even matter since the files don't "play" through those interfaces.

A good outboard dac will improve the sound of the squeezebox at a markable improvement but, it is still inferior to a streight PC interface (a good soundcard)into that same dac.
Here is what I have done.
1. Boulder Mods to Touch.
2. Boulder Power supply.
3. Zu Mother Power Cord to Boulder power supply.
4. Power supply plugged into my Synergistic Powercell.
5. Boulder upgraded umbilical cord.'Nitro"
6. Morrow Audio D4 digital cable with Eichman silver RCA's.
7. Using Dac section from my Cary 306 SACD.
Ozzy, if you've gone that far, you've _got_ to try the Soundcheck firmware mods. Disable the analog outs, ethernet-hardwire to disable off wireless if you can. In any case, be sure to set flac decoding to happen on the server and not at the touch. You'll be happy.
Cymbop, Yes, I am using straight ethernet connection.

I tied Soundchecks mods several times but my computer kept getting hung up on some of the settings. I forget now exactly what the problem was, but I gave up.
Perhaps I need to give it another try.
Here's my SB Touch set-up

1. Boulder Power Supply.
2. VH Audio AirSine to Boulder power supply.
4. Power supply plugged into Hydra 6
5. Boulder upgraded umbilical cord 'Nitro"
6. VH Audio Pulsar Ag SPDIF with WBT NextGens.
7. Stello DA100 Signature DAC
8. Dynobot's software mods to SB Touch

Next step is to send the SB Touch in for the Boulder Digital only mod.

This arrangement has unlocked my digital music collection formerly trapped on a laptop in my home office that dedicated to music only. This laptop also serves as the basis for my headphone rig in my office - of course, SB Touch and headphone rig are never "on" at the same time.