Audio Girl
Not sure oif you made the leap yet but if you do let us know how it worked out.Thanks to Rushton for corectiong me that the Calypso is a line stage at a lower cost than the full Janus pre-amp.I wonder if you go with the Aesthetix if you look at the feature differences (or want sperate flexibility to change your mind latter) as to go with Claypso/Rhea or the Janus.Haven't heard them but the Halo is supposd to be aesome and the review I read (Stereophile somebody) actually bought his review sample.Must quite an amp.One vote for the Rhea is I think that digital is the wave of the future.My freind bought the new DEQX 2.6 pre/processor and said he was able to make a pair of Dahlquist dinosaurs sound like a set of Infinity Preludes.The digital amps (class D) have sounded prety bad except the ones produced by PS Audio but many may catch upo.I think the future is digital and this is from a guy who now runs German semi horns wioth a 40 watt EL34 tube EAR.While I'd love a Rhea or and EAR 324 or P88 I ca't afford the $4500 price tage.I am thionking of giving up tubes and going to PS for a poor mans Naim or Audio Note one brand rack.Waht strted me down this road was looking into the new PS phono which has XLR outputs,easy to reach gain and load knobs in the back as well as mono and phase control on the front all for $1K!!!I'll miss the tubes but wioth it's "Gain Cell" volume I could run it iinto my tube integrated or a glass amp if I want.If it's as good as their last series of HCA amps (and the new integrated ahave goten even beter reviews) it sounds like a real winner.But I digress.You sound like with the right speakers to be on the road to audio nirvana where more expense would bring only diminishing returns.Hope you post how it turns out.
Not sure oif you made the leap yet but if you do let us know how it worked out.Thanks to Rushton for corectiong me that the Calypso is a line stage at a lower cost than the full Janus pre-amp.I wonder if you go with the Aesthetix if you look at the feature differences (or want sperate flexibility to change your mind latter) as to go with Claypso/Rhea or the Janus.Haven't heard them but the Halo is supposd to be aesome and the review I read (Stereophile somebody) actually bought his review sample.Must quite an amp.One vote for the Rhea is I think that digital is the wave of the future.My freind bought the new DEQX 2.6 pre/processor and said he was able to make a pair of Dahlquist dinosaurs sound like a set of Infinity Preludes.The digital amps (class D) have sounded prety bad except the ones produced by PS Audio but many may catch upo.I think the future is digital and this is from a guy who now runs German semi horns wioth a 40 watt EL34 tube EAR.While I'd love a Rhea or and EAR 324 or P88 I ca't afford the $4500 price tage.I am thionking of giving up tubes and going to PS for a poor mans Naim or Audio Note one brand rack.Waht strted me down this road was looking into the new PS phono which has XLR outputs,easy to reach gain and load knobs in the back as well as mono and phase control on the front all for $1K!!!I'll miss the tubes but wioth it's "Gain Cell" volume I could run it iinto my tube integrated or a glass amp if I want.If it's as good as their last series of HCA amps (and the new integrated ahave goten even beter reviews) it sounds like a real winner.But I digress.You sound like with the right speakers to be on the road to audio nirvana where more expense would bring only diminishing returns.Hope you post how it turns out.