Should Rotel be ok to drive Totem Forrest?

Does anyone use Rotel to drive Totem forrest? I would like to hear what you think about it?

Hello, I am a dealer of both and the match is quite good. I would also listen to Arcam on the Totems. Parasound amps are good too as long as you don't use their pre-amps.
Another good brand on them ius Musical Design.
Thanks for response.

I actually have Rotel RC-1070 (pre-am) and RB-1080(amp). So, if replace rotel pre-amp with something else, does the sound signature change? I think rotel pre-amp is the weakest chain in the line.

I agree with you. Find a used VTL, Musical Design, or if you want a sleeper brand that is awesome, I have an Encore 2010 for sale in Audiogon that is almost as good as a CAT Signature. I am not self promoting and to prove so there are 2 on Audiogon and you can buy the other one. :-)

I have the same problem with Parasound pre-amps i told you earlier about and Rotel. It is hard to make a solid state pre-amp very good and under $2000 almost imposible. Classe isn't bad though.
Duane, i appreciate your suggestion. Even though i'm not into tube, i will take a look. Is there any other solid state pre-amp you would suggest? How about Krell, plinius, Musical Fidelity, or Bryston?

thanks again.
I think Rotel might be a bit bright for Totem. Totem are almost made for tube.

I've heard them with a 30W/ch tube and they sound great.