BAT line stage and amp users: What power cords?

Wondering what power cords BAT users have found to work well. Yes, I know I need to try them, but I'd like to limit the contenders to around a dozen or so LOL!! system is BAT VK51SE, BAT VK75SE, Esoteric X-01, SME 30/2, SME V, Aesthetix IO, Dynavector XV-1S, and Verity Parisfal Encore's
Unless BAT has changed their website faq's, they will tell you to run a dedicated line & won't suggest anything else powerwise. If you read Absolute Sound the latest issue has an interesting interview with Victor K., he talks a bit about his philosophy of building a sound power supply that is well filtered. Good Luck!
Hi Cte,

I have a VK-51SE and VK-600SE driving my Parsifal Encore's.
I second Tom's Nordost Valhalla recommendation. The added speed really does work well with the Parsifal's. That's what I have on my 51SE. My 600SE requires two power cords, and I couldn't afford to try two more Valhalla's, but I've found that a pair of Virtual Dynamics Master's have fit in very well. The Master's aren't as quick as the Valhalla, but have a fuller sound.

I'm so happy with the sound right now, that I'm afraid to go with all Master's or Valhalla's. I think with all Valhalla's it may sound a little too thin and with all Master's it may sound too slow. The balance seems just right with the Parsifal's. As always, YMMV.
