BAT line stage and amp users: What power cords?

Wondering what power cords BAT users have found to work well. Yes, I know I need to try them, but I'd like to limit the contenders to around a dozen or so LOL!! system is BAT VK51SE, BAT VK75SE, Esoteric X-01, SME 30/2, SME V, Aesthetix IO, Dynavector XV-1S, and Verity Parisfal Encore's
Hello Cte,

I own the 51se and the 150se mono-block amps. I recently put the Valhalla power cords on them and the improvement went well beyond what I've heard from other power cords.

It made a dramatic improvement that IMO was profound! If you would like to know more of the details please feel free to send an email. Good luck in your search.

Unless BAT has changed their website faq's, they will tell you to run a dedicated line & won't suggest anything else powerwise. If you read Absolute Sound the latest issue has an interesting interview with Victor K., he talks a bit about his philosophy of building a sound power supply that is well filtered. Good Luck!
Hi Cte,

I have a VK-51SE and VK-600SE driving my Parsifal Encore's.
I second Tom's Nordost Valhalla recommendation. The added speed really does work well with the Parsifal's. That's what I have on my 51SE. My 600SE requires two power cords, and I couldn't afford to try two more Valhalla's, but I've found that a pair of Virtual Dynamics Master's have fit in very well. The Master's aren't as quick as the Valhalla, but have a fuller sound.

I'm so happy with the sound right now, that I'm afraid to go with all Master's or Valhalla's. I think with all Valhalla's it may sound a little too thin and with all Master's it may sound too slow. The balance seems just right with the Parsifal's. As always, YMMV.
