Starting From Scratch - What would you do?

I am looking for a simple system that I will not regret or want to upgrade. (if that is possible)
1. Integrated Amp (DK Design, Music Fidelity)
2. Speakers - Monitors (I always liked the Totem Mani-2's - but I just heard the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors - just awesome)
3. CD/SACD player (Linn, music Fidelity)
4. Maybe a sub (Sunfire True)
5. Cables and interconnects ???

This is where I have started - I am just looking for a real nice and basic system. I am open to all suggestions and opinions.

How much do you want to spend, and what do you listen to? With those questions answered, you may get a little bit of advice. Try the A5 integrated with the Sonus Fabers Cremona auditors.
I'd pick the MF combo (A5 int & A5 CDP) over the DK, as I've auditioned both in home. I've heard Totems but not SF and although I wouldn't mind owning the Totems, I prefer larger boxes.

I've also heard the Ayre int & CDP (7 series), which you might want to take a serious look at.
Another question is; how big is your room?
Match the system to room size.

After years of throwing money around I can honestly say the comination I now enjoy will be around for a long, long time.

IMO - music is music... a system should be able reproduce all types of music equally well. Otherwise why own it?
Musical tastes evolve over time.
I agree with Seth (S7Horton) and Driver, the Musical Fidelity pieces are really nice, and go really well with either the Totem Mani-2's or Sonus Faber's. But you might check out a used MF Kw500 Integrated if you can afford it though, especially with the Mani-2's. It's one generation older than the A5, but a lot more powerful.
