Starting From Scratch - What would you do?

I am looking for a simple system that I will not regret or want to upgrade. (if that is possible)
1. Integrated Amp (DK Design, Music Fidelity)
2. Speakers - Monitors (I always liked the Totem Mani-2's - but I just heard the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors - just awesome)
3. CD/SACD player (Linn, music Fidelity)
4. Maybe a sub (Sunfire True)
5. Cables and interconnects ???

This is where I have started - I am just looking for a real nice and basic system. I am open to all suggestions and opinions.

I'd pick the MF combo (A5 int & A5 CDP) over the DK, as I've auditioned both in home. I've heard Totems but not SF and although I wouldn't mind owning the Totems, I prefer larger boxes.

I've also heard the Ayre int & CDP (7 series), which you might want to take a serious look at.
Another question is; how big is your room?
Match the system to room size.

After years of throwing money around I can honestly say the comination I now enjoy will be around for a long, long time.

IMO - music is music... a system should be able reproduce all types of music equally well. Otherwise why own it?
Musical tastes evolve over time.
I agree with Seth (S7Horton) and Driver, the Musical Fidelity pieces are really nice, and go really well with either the Totem Mani-2's or Sonus Faber's. But you might check out a used MF Kw500 Integrated if you can afford it though, especially with the Mani-2's. It's one generation older than the A5, but a lot more powerful.

As the posts above have aked, what is your budget, musical tastes and room size.

You might want to look at the Pathos integrated to match with the Totems. I have heard the combo several times and was very impressed but, might not be enough power for your room.
room size is about 12' x 22'
price range 15k - 20k
musical tastes - soft rock, jazz, classical

Will not play at high volume - small kids in the house.

I think the KW 500 set might be the way to go. Most impressive specs and flexibility for future speakers.