what is the REAL deal with DK

I know there has been a lot on this manufacturer, but I just discovered them myself(today). I have never read so many positives while at the same time read so many negatives on any on amp(or any product for that matter). At the same time they are getting huge pats on the back from two different magazines? Could some owners of the Dk vs1 mk 2 offer there opinions that still own them, I maybe looking for an intergrated hybrid that has some power and this is the only one that seems to fit the bill in my price range. So...why the extreme positive and negative?!
charlie 101, if you are going to compare amps to the dk, why don't you compare apples to apples. most of the amps you listed cost up to twice what the dk cost. a lot of those amps you listed have quite a bit less power than the dk. if i would put the cary 300 into my system with my mani 2's, it would sound like ^&$#. the dk would embarass the cary with my speakers. you would need to get very effecient speakers for this amp. also, i can list dozens of amps that would blow your list away. some might cost $2500 a pair up to many times this amount. again, i love it when people stress their point when using words like 'embarass' instead of just saying 'imo, i liked the sound of xxxx, yyy over zzzz'.

Let's look at all of your comments individually:

1. You are implying with 100% confidence that DK forged all of those threads. Well there are lots of people in this thread claiming that the DK is an awesome amp and many of them have been members for along time and post on many other topics. Your argument does not hold up. Finally, how can you prove that threads and posts by new members are not valid. Sometimes, many new people go out and buy a product and post their experiences for the first time.
2. How do you know the wanted ads were false?
3. Whats wrong with dozens of repetitve ads?
4. How do you know that this dealer in Nevada was a creation of the owner of DK? What proof or evidence do you have?
5. The membership could have put DK to the test and DK could have politely declined. THere are dozens of other very well known manufacturers who make BS claims and yet I am sure they will decline to have their products officially reviewed by Audiogon members.
6. Clearly DK has succeded in this industry and you are most likely jelous of their success. As far as I know, the owner of DK sold the company to LSA Group and made a fortune. While you probably have a miserable job.
7. Most of the DK bashers have never heard the product and I suspect that some are competitors who lurk in these forums.
8. As much as you think that DK's marketing strategies were outrageous, they built up a network of 70 dealers and huge network of international distributors just shortly after opening doors. It usually takes other manufacturers many years to build up this kind of distirbution.
9. Fianlly, with the size and scope of DK's business, I seriously doubt that the owner of DK would be sitting here posting fake threads as this would not in any way impact the companies sales. Remember - this forum is for geeks and seriously disturbed audiophiles.

So with all of these considerations, the correct question is, whats right with DKs marketing? And how can other people learn from their success?
Thanks for the info 84audio,I guess i will find out for myself,I ordered a DkSig yesterday from my dealer.Do you think tube rolling will still be as important as it was with the DK Mk11. I thought this unit took quite a few steps up with early Amperex white Pq's in it.I hope to find some at a decent price. Kevin
>>I am particularly offended by your reference to the Cary 300sei<<

Gee that's a shame. The only thing you should be offended about is your defense of the DK. Say shill with me.........

BTW the deHavilland, Graaf, and Jadis WILL crush your DK. You need to sharpen your listening skills.
Audioari1 -
I just checked out your "answers" - OK, it's only my opinion, but it doesn't seem right to me that DK is apparently the only appropriate answer for everything. Or is it?
And only a $20k amp sounds better than a DK? - oh boy, the absurdity levels are reaching pretty tall heights again.
Oh well, something would be wrong if a DK thread didn't become a mockery of reality I suppose.