Powerful Push Pull Triode Amplifiers

At 275 watts, is the Manley Neo-Classic 500 Monoblock the most powerful push-pull triode amplifier available?
Thanks Brian. At that price I don't think I will ever hear them driving my MBLs :-)

I think I will try using an electronic crossover before my four monobocks rather than looking for more powerful amplifiers.
I'm open to suggestions on a brand of crossover (in current production or not).
Are the vacuum tube ones made by Marchand excellent?
Shoreline amps are made by Rainbow Electronics in Sacramento which is actually a repair shop. The owner tries to replicate the power of the Ocean. His top model costs $100,000.
Thanks to all.
If I won the lottery, the amps that I would buy first are the Atma-Sphere MA-3s. I think they would sound glorious with my speakers.
In lieu of a lottery win, I will stick with my Manley 250s and try and squeeze a bit more juice out of them by adding some big Elrod power cords. I am also going to try and lighten their workload by adding an electronic crossover. They will then only have to amplify frequencies over 75Hz (maybe even 105Hz; we'll see).
Altec 1570B monoblocks (when modded by Tom Tutay) using 811's in triode for 160 wpc...
This is what I've discovered regarding authority and ease at high volume levels...

1. Adding a 20amp Elrod Statement power cord to my power conditioner made a huge difference. (It replaced an excellent Harmonix Studio Master 20amp cord).

2. Adding an electronic crossover didn't make any difference.

3. Using 450 wpc amps (VTL 450s) in place of my 125 wpc amps didn't make any difference.

This has me thinking that I may just be in need of -better- power, not -more- power.