Audion Sterling MKI Integrated tube

This is my first foray into tubes. I'm purchasing this baby from an Audiogoner who, also, has the ZuCable Definitions 1.5s (and the Druids, as well) which are the speakers I am waiting on delivery. The paint is dry and they are doing some of the break in for me with their Ibis cables which I am also purchasing. Not being a "tuber" I'm wondering if any of you fellow tubmen (or women)have had experience with this amp, or know anything about it from others. It is coming with some very serious tubes: Vintage Golden Lion KT 88s and some othe nos tubes that I can't remember the names of. This may be the end (you know that will never be the case) of my tube journey or just the beginning, but it is very exciting. 101db speakers coupled to 18 SET watts per: hopefully it will be a good marraige. Anything on this, tube tips, etc, would be appreciated. thanks in advance, warren :)
Darkmoebious, thanks for your thoughts. The Sterling I am purchasing does have the NOS Tung-Sol 5687s. I will, after I have developed a warm relationshiip with my amp and speakers, drop you an email for all the tips you have.
Good job, the Stering will be a terrific introduction to low(ish) powered SET's. Check and see if your unit can also run EL-34's and KT-88's. That's a cheap way to have three totally different amps in one package.

BTW, your system is incredible. Sitback and enjoy the fun.

Words of wisdom by Terry Cain of Cain & Cain Audio:

"Start a collection of amps.

No one amp will keep a man happy long term. You need a young, firm perhaps not too articulate one you can swing from the ceiling with. And you always need a detailed and refined lower power one, the one you will never ever sell. This amp carves out the essence of tone and artistic intent, but cannot satisfy animal musical behavoir due to power limitation. With music, you cannot have too much fun. Don't let the amps get in the way. If amp -A- is complaining or not keeping up with your musical energy, just grab another and keep swinging."
Made a mistake regarding the Tung-sol. My Sterling is coming with the Bendix 6900. I am going to stick with my tube sponsor. After I develop a tube referrent, I should be better able to understand the recommendations, tips, etc.