Two Channel System Development Suggestions

I presently have the following gear:

Sim Audio Equinox CD Player
Arcam C30 Preamplifier
Proceed Amp 3
Paradigm Studio 60s

The electronics were purchased used here on Audiogon. The speakers are approximately one year old.

I am looking to upgrade my system one piece per year with an annual budget of $3,000 to $5,000. System is primarily used for two channel audio (I also have a Denon 2900 Universal player and Paradigm center channel and surrounds). I primarily listen to female vocals, jazz, folk and rock.

I welcome any suggestions as to what piece of equipment I should replace first. I would also like some input regarding recommended replacement pieces. I'm obviously not opposed to buying quality used equipment and strongly believe you can get your best value in used amplifiers given their long life expectancy and the lack of annual amplifier product enhancements (just my opinion).

I've learned a lot from Audiogon members over the last few years. Thanks in advance for your time and attention.
I used to own Studio 100's v1's and 2's and I felt they are a great speaker for their price point. I had a chance to use some Avalon Acents on loan for a few months. The Ascents are an old two way design and I only wish I could put into words the audible differences between these two brands. I think this is what's meant by the term, "more musical". The Paradigms went deeper but an acoustic Bass sounded much better through the little Avalon.

I've since purchased used Eidolons and they are simply stunning.

I have a Denon 5900 which had the full boat mod by Dan Wright and the difference was huge (from memory) as digital goes. He can tell you what bang for the buck would be best for you.

My inexperienced suggestion would be to start with an Avalon product then maybe replace your amp with an Ayre V3, then top it off with a Well Tempered turntable and a Benz cartridge. Keep your Paradigms for home a theater system.
I would stop before you have $80,000 invested in a stereo that you have to have in a $14,000 mobile home.

On a serious note, I would start with great speakers. My personal choice now, and we listen to similar music is Avalon. I had B & W for years and liked them as well and they keep their value. Bryston is another product that is great used. For amps and preamps, Jeff Rowland is a great product. Wadia CD players and transports are also great.
I would also start with the speakers first. One can never spend enough on good speakers, although there is a point of diminishing return. I have been very pleased with my Veritas V2.4i speakers made by Energy. The B & W’s would be a good choice as well. Next I would go with a pair of Arcam P1 Mono Block Amp’s. They would be a good up grade for your system and should work well with your Arcam C30 pre-amp.