Aurios under JC1 monoblock's?

My JC1's sit on 1/2" thick glass (can be seen in system pics). I know glass is not the ideal shelf for audio, but I love this rack and don't want to part with it. My question is...
Would my system benefit by putting Aurios Pro's under the amp's? Or would it just be a waste of money. Of course, if I had a couple of spare sets of Aurios laying around, I would just try it, but I don't.
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You should put the JC1 on top of the rocket ship instead of under it!

Seriously, if you want to kill two birds with one stone (the 2nd "bird" being to kill any ringing in the glass) then
I'd recommend a number 4 Vibrapod under each foot of the amp. I did my ML 23.5 that way, and it soaks up all the little micro-vibes from the electronics.

In my universe, mechanical diodes such as cones, balls, and rollers, work best for draining off mechanical vibration produced by thinks with motors/mechanisms, like CD players and turntables.

The only device out there that works for both IMO are Stillpoints, if you can afford them. Plus, the Vibrapods will take the ringing out of your shelf, where Stillpoints and the diode devices won't.
A much less expensive solution that worked for me under my 65 lb. solid state amp was the use of 2" x 2" x 1" cork squares (4 of them). These are the ones where the cork is sandwiched between two pices of rubber. They are available from HVAC parts suppliers as they are used under heavy heating and AC equipment to drain vibrations. They run about $1.50 apiece. If you want to pay more you can get them through Mapleshade (I think they call them Isoblocks).
When I owned Lamm M1.1's, I tried Aurio Pro's under my amps (and they provided the least benefit under the amps which were on my floor), I also own Sistrum Stands and theses too made minimal to no difference on the amps. Both of the products made a noticable difference under source, preamp, and subwoofer (huge difference).

I made the mistake of owning a Glass rack once and that caused me to go on the Isolation/decoupling merrygo round trying to fix what the ringing glass shelves created.

For less money buy some amp stands and put the amps on the floor. (Sistrum, Billy Bags (with MDF shelves), etc...)
Get rid of the glass! It rings, obviously. Likewise, I do not recommend the cork-and-rubber sandwich isolators which tend to rob the music of richness and energy. I recommend rigid stands and good cones or spikes, with some careful tuning of resonances.