Essentialaudio makes some good points. However, tweaking is not an exact science. If it were we'd all know what to do for our individual system set-ups based on simple formulas. It's really easy to go out and spend hundreds of dollars in tweaks that after experimentation, result in your sound ending up right back where you started. Tweaking is a form of tuning. Trying to compensate for inefficiecies in our set-up or room to get the most from our gear. In other words we are voicing our system to it's surroundings. Much like a musician would voice an instrument to a room that it is played in.
Unfortunately, because of some preferences/limitations of your set-up, only you can voice your gear to it's surroundings, unless of course an audiophile who lives near you can provide assistance. It's really time to hunker down and try some of these suggestions and see what works for you and what doesn't. Many vendors provide 30 day trials so all you have to lose is shipping costs and your time. I myself have found the rubber/cork sandwiches very useful contrary to Essentialaudio's statement, but that doesn't mean his statement is false.
However, just to show you how far I have taken this science (and my methods have certainly not achieved perfection - but I'm happy with the results), I use a 2" thick maple amp stand with 3" brass cones, suspension rack (pAarticular Triangle), Still Points, Sound Anchor speaker stands (with Herbie's black dots), Herbie's Halos, and HRS damping plates. I've also addressed echo and first reflection point issues in my room with Golden Sound Acoustic Discs and some home made diffusors.
So, keep the glass and try some of the devices mentioned and see where it goes. BTW - Granite Audio just came out with some Cat Paws which look promising. Might be worth a try. If by some coincidence you're in the SoCal area I'd be glad to lend a hand and an ear.