Mcintosh C-2200 or Aesthetix Calypso?

I know I want a tube preamp and have narrowed the field down to these two. Both are available at the same price. After reading what members have to say about the Calypso, it seems like the clear winner ...but....I like the tone controls on the Mcintosh. At 12 o clock position the tone controls are inactive and out of the signal path, but can be used as needed otherwise. (According to Mcintosh) I know tone controls are frowned upon, but I have owned preamps without them in the past and found it to be frustrating when I felt the need to compensate for a bad recording. Associated gear is Classe Seven Hundred mono's, B&W 800N, and a yet to be determined CDP. Thanks for your advice.
Bill....You are right about the bright B&W's. I have decided to buy the best digital front end I can afford and get rid of the B&W's if they cannot fit in. That is why I am not too concerned with tubes anymore. The solid state C42 would leave extra dough for a good CDP. Waddya think?
I've heard both and preferred the SS -- sorry. Please note that the 2200 was running stock tubes, no tweaks -- just plain vanilla.
I also happen to have preferred the Calypso (over the 42) driving a classe Omega. Calypso also plain vanilla. {Valhalla wire, yba 1 cdp.}
FWIW, YMMV, etc. Cheers
Ive owned the C2200 twice and curently own a MA2275, dont base your decision on tone control for the C2200...they are useless and dont give you any range. I think I know where your headed with the 800N, Ive been down that exact road and the C2200 didnt help. Never heard the Calypso but the best results with a tube preamp I ever achieved with the 800's was with an Arc Ls25. Good luck
Don't underestimate the importance of a good preamp. I personally like tubes in my Preamp and a SS Amp. To me, it is the most musical dynamic sound. This combo has worked for me with 801N. I also like the way McIntosh mates with B&W. If I was you, I would go listen and decide what is best. Perhaps a good place to start would be to audition the C-2200 and the C46. You shouldn't have a difficult time getting a heads to heads comparison. I think both are excellent preamps and its really a matter of preference, but if you decide on tubes I would not rule out the Calypso without an audition if at all possible. It may be what puts your entire system in synergy. Bill
I never compared the 2200 to my C42 directly. I did hear the 2200 several times but in unfamiliar systems.

If I were in your shoes, I would get a C42 and buy a very nice CDP with the money left over. Arthur